Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother's house, to the room of the one who conceived me. (Song of Songs 3:4)
Love can transform our origins.
From our mother's womb we emerge with predispositions, both weakness and strength.
Our predispostions include the ability to reason and the power to choose.
In our mother's house we learn many lessons, both good and bad.
The lessons may constrain or enflame our predispositions, but we retain both reason and choice.
If we will hold tight, the transcendent power of Love can enrich our reasoning and choosing.
We can choose to make room for Love's fullness.
Above is from the Rothschild Canticles. Rather than hold tight, we often flee from Love. Description of the image: In the upper half, Christ descends from the clouds of Heaven, gesturing to a half naked Sponsa who throws her hands into the air. In the lower half, Christ holds a pruning knife and makes a gesture of reproach towards the fully naked Sponsa raises her arms in surprise and despair.
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