Saturday, September 13, 2008

I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk. Eat, O friends, and drink; drink your fill, O lovers. (Song of Songs 5:1-2)

The Lover accepts the Beloved's invitation and partakes of the garden.

Above the translator has friends encouraging the loving couple.

Ariel and Chana Bloch have the Lover encouraging friends to, "Feast, friends, and drink until you are drunk on love."

The Hebrew is shakar. Serious inebriation is the clear meaning in other scripture.

In drunkeness we lose our sense of time, place, and self. We lose ourselves in loving.

Above is from the Rothschild Canticle. The Beloved reclines on a bed, resting her head on one hand. Sprigs of vine grow from her body which three women are harvesting. In the lower register, Christ draws the Sponsa into the winde cellar with his right hand and offers a chalice of wine with his left.

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